S e a r c h * T i p s

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* Keyword(s)
You can enter any word(s) in the search box, or you can use one or more preselected keywords by clicking on the input buttons listed above. If you enter more than one keyword, make sure that each word is separated by a space.
Connected words or phrases (for example, "kanto earthquake") should be enclosed in double quotes.
You can use either upper case or lower case letters. The system is not case-sensitive.
Click [Search] or press Return to begin the search. Click [Clear] to clear the search box.

* Search Results
The system is preset to list 30 results at a time, in descending order of applicability. To change the number of results shown, click on the pop-up menu marked [30] and choose another number.

* Inflected Forms
If [Yes] is selected, the system will search for inflected forms of words entered in the search box. If you do not want inflected to be included, select [No].

* Extra Search Criteria

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C A U T I O N !

  1. If you select either the [every word] or [at least one word] mode, the system include any "+" or "-" symbols used before keywords.
  2. In the [multi-rule search] mode, do not insert a space between the "+" and "-" symbols and the keyword. Also, note that this mode is not a logic mode, and will not make an [A+B] search.
    Each keyword in the text box, including keywords preceded by a "+" or "-" symbol, must be separated by a space (A B +C).
  3. When using the [Multi-rule search] mode, if you place a "+" symbol before each and every word in the text box, you will obtain the same results as if you used the [every word] mode Likewise, if you do not use any symbol before any of the words, you will obtain the same results as if you used the [at least one word] mode.

* Search Results List

The headings displayed in descending staircase fashion indicate the location of the document found (the last heading) within a specific web site. You can select and open the page represented by any of the headings.

You can add keywords to your search by clicking any of the Related Keywords input buttons displayed at the bottom of the window. Press [Search] to begin a new search. Press [Clear] to delete everything in the text box.

To return to the search page, click the browser window Return button,or click [Back to Search Page...] at the bottom of the RESULTS page or the Related Keywords windows.

If you wish to see more results, click [Next xx Results]. To go back to a previously shown page, click [Previous xx Results].

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N O T I C E !

This Search System is designed to permit users to make keyword searches of the contents. Search results are ranked and displayed in descending order according to how closely related they appear to the keyword(s) used, together with a brief summary of the pages found. The system will also display additional keyword recommen-dations if you use a browser such as Netscape Navigator 2.0 (or later) or Internet Explorer 3.0 (or later).

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